Sep 26, 2010


Jackie and I have made it through our first week of dts. At first it was a little rough getting used to living in a much different environment than we have for the past three years, but after a week I have really begun to enjoy the simplicity of life.

We live in one room. We brought only the things we need to live on the base, including clothes, books, backpacks, things we will need on our outreach trip overseas and a couple other small comfort things. However, all together we have drastically minimized the amount of stuff we actually have to live. It is great. I have really loved pulling physically away from possession. It is so awesome how little we need to truly be happy.

It has also been nice to not watch tv. I am amazed at how many hours we waste letting our brains go numb. Life really begins to open doors into new creativity when we are not trying to cram it full of crap to keep us busy.

As well, the over use of sugar and salt in food in general seems to have made our taste buds ache for things that are unhealthy. But when you begin to cut a lot of that away it makes little things seems so much greater. I have been drinking coffee and water everyday with no sugar or flavoring. Much to my surprise, having a cup of pink lemonade made my taste buds freak out. It was seriously the best cup of lemonade I have ever had. As well, Jackie and I and another couple went to McDonald's a few days ago. Best Big Mac and Fries ever (I must say they were also made exceptionally well). I know it sounds a little intense, but we have really just been experiencing some freedom from typical western American culture and it feels great.

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