Oct 22, 2010

What's Been Going On?

So I was thinking I should write about what we actually do here at our school. Since most people are probably unfamiliar with YWAM and a Discipleship Training School I thought I'd try to give a little realistic insight. Here's a little peek of the day to day routine.

7:00 is breakfast (usually Brenden goes and I sleep in)
8:00 - 8:30 student-led worship
8:30-10 we usually have Intercession, Bible Overview or Tracks.

Intercession is when we all get together and pray for either half an hour or an hour. Just a few things we have prayed for so far are... situations going on in other countries (political or injustices) , the media, single parents, people in prison, families, government, economy, education, celebrities, etc. Basically we just seek God and ask how he feels about issues and learn to grow a heart for things that you typically wouldn't think about.

Bible Overview is pretty neat because we are going through the gist of the whole entire Bible in 3 months. We move fast but it's good to learn more about the history of each of the books.

Tracks are chosen at the beginning of school. Brenden is in the "adventure track" and they have gone on hikes, archery, chopped wood, etc. I have been working with the music track and we have been split up into bands, played for a youth group, will do coffee houses, record and work on songwriting. The band I'm in is called "Heesoo and the Extras". We consist of Leah on vocals, Jay on electric guitar, Daniel on keys, Andrew on bass, myself on acoustic and vocals and of course Heesoo on drums. We have been meshing really well together and I'm pretty pumped about it. It's been great playing music almost every day and getting my voice back in shape.

During the morning we also have lecture. There are various speakers who come from all over and stay the week to speak on a certain topics. We have had people from the base speak, a man from California and another man from South Africa. Some of the topics we've heard so far are grace, prayer, relationships, and the character of God.

After lunch we have small group time where a staff member and 5 or 6 students just get to know each other and discuss the lectures. Sometimes instead of small groups we have meetings to prepare for our Outreach trip in December, for us, the Guatemala team. We spend time learning about the culture, talking about our fears and goals, praying for what God wants us to do there and just getting to know each other as a team instead of individuals.

From 3-5 Monday thru Thursday we have work duties. This is a base-wide cooperation in which everyone takes part in helping to maintain a functioning community. Brenden and I help clean the student center. Others clean dorms, bathrooms, cafeteria, help paint new buildings, basically anything that needs to get done will get done because of this time.

We have dinner at 5 and then after dinner is free. Tuesday nights we have lecture and Thursdays we have a community meeting where the whole base and any residents of Lakeside come and have a time of worship and teaching.

So that's what our life looks like right now. Hopefully this might help to clarify what we actually do at the YWAM base.

Tomorrow we head to Bellingham, WA for the week. It's called a "mini-outreach" so we will work with a local church and various ministries in the community as "Team Guatemala". It will be cool to see some of Washington and get to interact in real-life situations as a team instead of just on the YWAM base.

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