Nov 27, 2010

Give Thanks.


This has been the first Thanksgiving I have spent away from family but one I will remember. We spent a few nights up the mountain with the Kerrs as we watched the snow blanket the trees, roads and homes. The snowy mountains here are breathtaking and the quietness is almost loud...something I've never experienced on the east coast.

Andy Kerr read us a passage of a book he is reading and the author suggests that technically we could live the rest of our lives praying only one word, "thank you", and it would be enough. Oh if our lives could just be one long expression of gratitude how much more would we know God and know true joy.

Tis the season of thanks and I am extremely joyful tonight after hearing some great news that my darling cousin Perrin's cancer has not spread, the remnants of tumors have disappeared, her back is stabilized from the infusions and some enlarged lymph nodes are back to normal size. God is listening to our prayers and joy and hope fill my heart for what's ahead.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever.

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