Aug 11, 2010

Stick in the Eye


It's 9:30 a.m and Brenden and I have just begun working in Wanda's yard. Her property lies on quite a steep hill so I am working at the base of the hill while Brenden is using the chainsaw taking out small, dead trees mid-way up the hill. After about 15 minutes in I hear him yell (previously said scream, it was more a yell than a scream, -brenden). My first thought was "chainsaw" but thankfully the chainsaw was not in sight and was covering his eye, yelling.
Before continuing on, I must inform you that there have been many little things that have just been going wrong lately. Not anything major or actually important in light of eternity...just annoying things that tend to get you down. So, when I heard Brenden yell like that I knew something was wrong.
I calmly walked up the hill asking him what had happened. He explained that he was carrying a dead tree trunk and the limb snapped and flew back into his eye. All I could see was a bleeding cut on the top of his nose and a shut eye. We calmly walked up to the house, he sat down and I brought him a wet paper towel to hold over it. At this point I didn't know if the branch had just wacked his nose really hard and got near the eye or if it actually hit his eye ball.
The only people home at the time were Wanda, 86 and her great grand-son Josh, 11. The last thing we wanted to do was scare or worry either of them. I was fine, assisting my husband as I should until suddenly I felt my heart beat faster and my stomach get twisted up. I went to the bathroom thinking I was going to puke but couldn't. I informed Brenden that I was feeling light headed and it was getting worse. Brenden, being angry at the situation and in pain, said "you're fine just get it together". I explained that it was getting worse. I tried drinking water and sitting down for a bit but then soon realized if I needed to take him to the doctor there was no way I could drive. So, I walked down the porch steps to the truck to get my cell phone. I was going to call my father-in-law to come pick us up and take us to Urgent Care.
Before I knew it my vision became highly blurred and I could hear Brenden's voice but it seemed like he was 30 feet away. I was on the verge of passing out. I stumbled, literally, up the stairs, tripping and eventually kind of just plopped down on the deck, ripping off my shirt. I lay there on my back yelling for the 11 year old kid, "Josh! Josh!" I knew that in a moment I would be passed out and Brenden would be left alone in pain and this kid would probably need to help us. He comes out, confused, and Brenden says "don't worry man, she's fine". Meanwhile he's saying, "Jackie, get it together, come on, seriously, you're fine!!". My husband is in pain and here I am on the ground making him nurse me back to life. He goes inside and gets a wet rag to put over my head and thankfully I make it through. Poor Wanda walks out on the porch and sees a blood shot eye and a half dressed girl laying on the ground. Even thinking about the situation can make me laugh.
I drive Brenden home thinking his dad will be there to look at the eye and assess the situation. Since we have applied for a different type of insurance for YWAM, I knew that we probably couldn't afford to go to the emergency room if this was something serious. Dad wasn't home. We called a few doctors and they said they couldn't tell us anything w/o looking at the eye. If the actual eyeball was scratched it can be very serious. I finally convinced Brenden go to.
We drive to the Urgent Care center right here in Kitty Hawk while I'm praying in the car. We walk in and there are over 50 people in the waiting room, some keeled over in pain. I knew we would be there for at least 2 hours and we couldn't wait that long. A lady working in another building tells us where an eye doctor is. We walk in and the secretary sees Brenden holding his eye, nose bleeding and can tell he is in pain. She immediately gets the doctor and sends him back. I am in the lobby trying to fill out our insurance information but leaving most of it blank b/c we've just applied for it so we have no information at this point. I hear Brenden and this lady in the back room talking about YWAM and missions and church. I immediately knew that God had taken care of us. I come to find out the doctor has been going to the same church we've been going to all summer and had recently been to Mexico on a medical missions trip. Crazy. We pay out of pocket what was far less than I thought we'd have to pay and leave. As I'm walking out the door the secretary tells me "walk by faith not by sight". Ironically, we were there for an eye injury. It almost made me cry when she said it because I was so certain that God had heard my prayers. It was one of those moments where you get chills because you just know God is real and so interactive in all our lives, whether or not we acknowledge it. We didn't deserve this to happen to us- we could have had to wait in the Urgent Care for hours and paid hundreds of dollars just for them to tell us we need to go to the eye doctor but no, God had another plan.

Brenden is fine now. He did have quite an abrasion to his eyeball and the doctor did have to clean out some debris that was embedded in the cuts. Thankfully we did go get it checked out or it might have gotten gnarly.
1.Even when you poke your eye, walking by faith and not our own sight is still better.
2.Throughout the morning I realized we are blessed to have doctors at our fingertips, unlike so many people all over the world and we don't deserve it any more than anyone else.
3. If you are with me in a traumatic situation....I will be of no help and probably just pass out.

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