May 18, 2011

Everything Must Come to an End

Since I have been posting all of my paintings I haven't been updating you all with what's been going on here in Montana. So, I'll give you a brief rundown of what's been happening with Brenden and I over the last few months.

We arrived here in mid- March to snow still on the ground and cold, cold rainy, windy weather. I think we had to remember we basically missed two months of winter by being in sunny Guatemala so we must pay our dues by not having a typical spring. In fact, not until last week has it become "warm" and "spring like". Thankfully though, it did eventually happen and the cherry trees are blooming!

Brenden has been working as a Mission Builder which is basically a full-time volunteer on the YWAM base. He spends 40 hours a week in their full-service auto shop doing anything from servicing the base's 15 passenger vans to changing oil to fixing someones brakes. Missionaries don't exactly have the best functioning cars so there is always a need! These past months have been such a blessing for him because he is actually doing what he loves full time. We were both curious to see how he'd still love mechanics after the "honeymoon stage" was over and I can honestly say that I've never met someone so excited and eager to do auto mechanics. Brenden would take it upon himself to help people out on the base by fixing their cars even on the weekends and evenings. Ultimately, we can say that he has definitely found his "calling" in life.

When I came out here I was originally going to work on base like Brenden, mosty in the cafeteria or housekeeping department. However, we were given the opportunity to stay in some friend's apartment while they were leading a team to Turkey. The timing worked out perfectly and so I was able to be an artist full time. Over these last months I have acquired quite a collection of paintings. I was amazed at myself how quickly I could work and how motivated I'd become when suddenly there was no other pressures from the outside. Not only have I been painting my brains out but I've had opportunities to use my gifts on the base. I got to teach a painting session to some current students and i've led worship on the base as well as at a local church. Not only have I been immersed in the music and art scene but I've been volunteering with a 3rd grade math class at Lakeside Elementary School once a week. I will have to say- it made me go home and relearn long division!! Also, I've been having a lot of fun working with a local youth group here in Lakeside. I've never worked with middle schoolers before so it's been quite an adventure to say the least. It's amazing though how God has just put me in these situations just because I've been willing. I seriously don't have tactics and skills and previous experience with some of this stuff and yet God has somehow used us in these kids lives!

As the end of May approaches we are nearer to the end of our time here. Originally Brenden and I were going to stay here in Montana for the summer. However, after a lot of thought and prayer we feel it's best that we head back to the east coast and kind of start our lives again. It was just about a year ago that we left our jobs at the schools in Cape Hatteras and started this crazy adventure. It has been one of the best years of our lives and we have so many memories and lessons learned. We are grateful and satisfied with this time of travel and exploration and getting to share all of this together. We will always look back on this time in our lives and say "remember when.."

Thanks to all of you who have helped us along the way. Your gifts, friendship, encouragement and support has kept us going this long! We look forward to seeing you back on the east coast!

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