Jul 27, 2011

Back on the Back Porch

It's been over a month since we last posted. A lot has happened. Brenden and I spent our last week in Montana with our good friends, Suzanne and John, who flew out from D.C.
Despite the unpredictable Montana weather, we still managed to do some day hikes and show them a glimpse of the beauty of Big Sky country. As they prepared to head back east, we prepared to make the 3 day drive back to Richmond to watch my youngest brother John graduate. Then, our plan was to make our way to the beach in search of a new life.

...Oh yeah, how could I forget?

We are having a baby!! Brenden and I found out towards the beginning of May that we were pregnant. Shock and fear filled our minds but we were quickly overwhelmed by extreme excitement-and still are. January 9th 2012 we will welcome Baby Koenig into the world!

Ok so yes, we went to graduation, visited with the Thompson's for a few days then made our way down to the Outer Banks. Long story short- it didn't work out. Despite our initial hope that jobs were abundant in the auto mechanic field, weeks went by and through a chain of events realized that this place was not as promising for a year round job as we hoped for. Brenden had already started working for a Jeep dealership when a week later his boss came to him panicked about his business. He mentioned that he most likely wouldn't have work for him in the fall. After hours of discussion, some prayer and advice from my parents, we decided to move back to Richmond and make a life for ourselves there. We have been through a whirlwind this past year traveling, living in other people's places, moving and transitioning- what's one more move? Not to mention, we decided it was best to deal with the stress of moving and finding jobs now than later when the baby is almost here.

So we are back in Richmond. Brenden found a job at a Chevrolet dealership and he is starting out as a lube technician. The goal is to gain experience, knowledge, and training so he can eventually become a certified technician. He loves it. He is happy when he gets to spend his days using his hands, getting dirty and helping to make a car better.

I think the stress of these past few months has finally hit me and the tiredness of pregnancy has set in. Otherwise, I am feeling good and could not be more excited to meet this little guy or girl. Brenden always says "Who's in there?!?". It is such a mystery and miracle to think of a tiny person growing inside that will one day have a life full of joy and pain. Since being pregnant my maternal instincts have kicked in. There is a strange desire to do all I can for the baby, make sure it's safe, and worry about it's future or health. (FYI- stay away from obsessively reading on the internet- you'll just freak yourself out for no reason!)
All of these things are normal and yet I know that without God's grace and security He gives, I could not do it. It's just the beginning...

We are back home. Above is a little painting I did for my mom while sitting outside yesterday of her back porch. Next is a photo from a 7 week ultrasound- we could actually see that little blob's heart flickering! Then, a family photo from John's graduation and last, Suzanne and I on top of Blacktail Mountain- still a ton of snow!

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