Jul 15, 2012


    There are many "first times" we experience in life. First day of school, first kiss, etc... Sometimes these things you remember and sometimes you've purposely blocked them out. Whichever it is, there was a moment in time it happened once for the first time. When you have your first child it's like you get to start all over again. You see his first smile, hear his first laugh, smell his diaper after eating bananas for the first time and feel his first tooth pop up.

     One of the most memorable "firsts" for Brenden and I was taking John to the ocean and dipping his little toes in the water. It was almost like a christening or a rite of passage. He will never remember this and he didn't particularly like it either. Early May at the beach is not the best time to immerse yourself in the sea. However, it was a moment in time that we will always remember and the start to many memories to come. If i'm honest,  it feels like most of life is spent wishing for the past or longing for a better future. But once in a while you have those times when you know that the present moment is eternally significant. A moment you'll always look back on and a moment your former self would have wished for in the future. And in that moment all you can do is give thanks. This was one of them.

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