Jun 27, 2010

The Scam

Brenden and I seemed to both have landed a summer job with a small business that rents out beach equipment (surf boards, rafts, umbrellas, etc.). After many hot days of driving down the main road in the Outer Banks, stopping in, filling out applications, talking to people and them saying they aren't hiring ..we finally might have found something.

While we have been going to places in person we have also been responding to listings on Craig's List in the OBX area. At the beginning of the week I responded to a nanny job which really excited me. I would be keeping a little boy, 3 years old, from 1-4 in the afternoons getting paid $100 a day. Who could resist that? After corresponding with his "father" in "Scotland" on a "business trip" and deciding when to start babysitting his child and picking him up from his "neighbor's" house...I thought this might be it. So last night our good friends, Suzanne and Chapuis from D.C., came for the weekend. As I was explaining this story to them I started it out by saying "it sounds sketchy but here me out". A fool I was. After hours of using our "webmaster" skills we found out that this was all a scam. We ended up contacting a friend who's brother finds and reports scammers for a living. Turns out this guy was trying to launder money through me. Also, through our research, we found that he posted the exact same listing on Craigs List, word for word, in over 7 other areas..California...Indiana....two other cities in North Carolina...and the list goes on. We are out to nail him.

Lessons learned:
1. Always give people the benefit of the doubt..just not always on Craig's List.
2. Sometimes things are too good to be true
3. Little Josh, an imaginary child, likes puppies and cats and chocolate but NOT VANILLA according to his dad.

Jun 24, 2010


Yesterday afternoon, after another day of searching, sweat and sand I took the kayak out to just piddle around. There was a big storm on the horizon so I didn't go far. Randomly, I ended up underneath the dock watching a huge spider make its web. I had to look at it from a certain angle so I was able to see the threads. With the storm clouds in the background, I could see the perfectly spun design she had been working on for hours. It made me realize a few things. 1. I am far lazier than a spider mama. 2. Do not worry about your life. 3. Sometimes you can only see beautiful things, light, if it is contrasted to the darkness behind it.

There are some advantages of living on the water and not necessarily having an income. CRABS. After we hit the point where we couldn't fill out another application we decided to spend the afternoon on the dock catching our dinner. I must say, I am a die-hard crabber compared to my husband and I captured an 14-crab feast just from some chicken on a string and determination.

Jun 21, 2010


Today Brenden and I went around the Outer Banks trying to sell ourselves looking for a summer job. I feel like I'm 17 again. What's it gonna be? only time will tell.

Meanwhile, we ride our bikes around the neighborhood looking at deer that are laying down in people's yards.

Jun 17, 2010


I hate moving / thinking about moving / actually moving stuff.

Jun 14, 2010


Hello future followers of this blog. I wanted to share how excited we are to be doing something we have never done before. We have been thinking a lot about all that might be in store. However, we know there are a number of things we have to do to get from point A to point B. Truthfully, its not all excitement. As with many people who are moving on to a new thing in life there is a sad feeling looming in the background. It seems somedays we are ready to move on and others we are dreading the whole thing. Today Jackie and I went to the beach with Jackie's family and surfed. It was a really fun day. The water was really refreshing and was green and clear. Those are usually the best summer days because there isn't a lot of wind and you can spend the whole day in the water which is what the family did. It was really pleasant being able to spend that time watching my father and brother in law surf and get some long awaited waves. The whole thing is a little strange because as much fun as we are having we know that in a few short days we are going to have to pack up the Gingerbread House and head North to Kitty Hawk. We have mixed emotions.

Jun 13, 2010

Where we're headed...

Here's a few photos we took from Lakeside, MT last summer ...this is where the YWAM base is located.

Here we go...

Hey this is Brenden and Jackie's blog that we will be using to chronicle our next few moves in life. Before Brenden and I were ever married or even dated we both had connections to the Outer Banks. I used to vacation here with my family ever since I can remember and Brenden's parents owned a house in South Nags Head all his life. Throughout college we both worked on the Outer Banks doing various summer jobs. Eventually, we dated, married and decided to start our lives together down in Cape Hatteras. Brenden has worked as a kayak guide and a teacher assistant at the high school while I have worked for the Island Breeze (a local newspaper), at a coffee shop and as a Kindergarten and 1st Grade teacher assistant at the elementary school.
However, in a couple weeks we will be moving off Hatteras Island, up to Kitty Hawk with the Koenig's and then head out west in September. We have plans to attend the Discipleship Training School in Lakeside, Montana run by Youth With A Mission (YWAM), an interdenominational and international missionary program. So, we've resigned from our jobs at the schools and packed up all our stuff from the Gingerbread House Bakery (we live in an apartment above it) so... we're gonna need some prayers on this one. We're still in the process of fundraising so if you feel generous today throw some our way. We will be sharing this adventure with all those that care to read this blog. Brenden and I have never blogged before so we'll see how this goes.