Jun 24, 2010


Yesterday afternoon, after another day of searching, sweat and sand I took the kayak out to just piddle around. There was a big storm on the horizon so I didn't go far. Randomly, I ended up underneath the dock watching a huge spider make its web. I had to look at it from a certain angle so I was able to see the threads. With the storm clouds in the background, I could see the perfectly spun design she had been working on for hours. It made me realize a few things. 1. I am far lazier than a spider mama. 2. Do not worry about your life. 3. Sometimes you can only see beautiful things, light, if it is contrasted to the darkness behind it.

There are some advantages of living on the water and not necessarily having an income. CRABS. After we hit the point where we couldn't fill out another application we decided to spend the afternoon on the dock catching our dinner. I must say, I am a die-hard crabber compared to my husband and I captured an 14-crab feast just from some chicken on a string and determination.

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