Jun 14, 2010


Hello future followers of this blog. I wanted to share how excited we are to be doing something we have never done before. We have been thinking a lot about all that might be in store. However, we know there are a number of things we have to do to get from point A to point B. Truthfully, its not all excitement. As with many people who are moving on to a new thing in life there is a sad feeling looming in the background. It seems somedays we are ready to move on and others we are dreading the whole thing. Today Jackie and I went to the beach with Jackie's family and surfed. It was a really fun day. The water was really refreshing and was green and clear. Those are usually the best summer days because there isn't a lot of wind and you can spend the whole day in the water which is what the family did. It was really pleasant being able to spend that time watching my father and brother in law surf and get some long awaited waves. The whole thing is a little strange because as much fun as we are having we know that in a few short days we are going to have to pack up the Gingerbread House and head North to Kitty Hawk. We have mixed emotions.

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