Jan 15, 2011

10 Days at Lake Atitlan

Our team just got back from spending 10 days with Pastor Antonio and his family in Lake Atitlan. We were so fortunate to stay at his home at the top of a large hill in San Pedro, one of the small water towns that surrounds the lake. There we helped build a house for a family in a nearby village, led church services, helped families pick coffee, prayed for some people who were sick and I even had a chance to sing my own song on a public radio station there. It was such a great time to get out of the city and really experience a different lifestyle. There is a strong Myan influence and the people speak primarily Tzutujil. The women all dress in traditional skirts and blouses full of color and its very common to see the old men wearing cowboy hats, colorful capri pants and carrying large machetes by their side. We also got the opportunity to take a crazy ferry boat ride, jump of rocks into the lake and dig a large, large hole to help for the house. (the guys on the team were obsessed).

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