Jan 2, 2011

Mizata, El Salvador

Brenden and I were so excited when our friend Carlos asked us if we wanted to go to the beach with him in El Salvador for the weekend. He and Brenden got talking about the beach, surfing and the coast and since he was from El Salvador and knew friends through Christian Surfers on the coast..he had great connections. We rode down with a few of Carlos' friends, spent the night in Sonsonate (about 30 mins from the coast) with another friend, Madrid, headed to the beach at 6am the next morning. We spent the day swimming, exploring and Brenden surfing some of the best waves of his life. The sand is black there from lava rock and the water is green and warm. Palm trees and grass shacks scatter along this small beach town called Mizata. We took naps, met new friends and ate eggs and beans. We stayed the night at a ministry house there on the beach. Basically a room with a mattress, bathroom, spiders and chickens and stray dogs roaming around in the yard filled with fallen coconuts.

Not having been to the ocean since August, Brenden and I had joyful hearts. We spent time talking about our love for the coastal lifestyle and reminiscing about the last 3 years we spent in the Outer Banks. Sunday we came back to Antigua on the chicken bus. Needless to say, this was quite an experience. These old school buses that travel around the country are packed like sardines. People are 3 deep on the benches and stuffed all throughout the aisles. This 3 hour ride was filled to the max with birds, mothers breast feeding in the aisles and sweat dripping like you've never felt before. Adventure is an understatement for this past weekend..too many stories to even write on this blog. However, we were glad to have met new friends and feel the salt water again!

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