Jul 7, 2010


Good news, I found a "job". I realize as I'm about to write this that people are going to be either really jealous or really thankful they don't have my job. My job is to sit on the beach all day and rent pseudo beach equipment. Okay, the rafts are legit. But everything else is a hard sell because we don't exactly have top of the line surf/body/skim boards. As John Thompson put it, we are Wings on the beach. If you don't know what Wings is, come down and check out the coastal sensation. They basically sell beach related crap.
To be honest, its probably the easiest job I could hope for. Besides the wicked hot sun and getting sand in my lunch I really don't have much to worry about. I am my own manager and I have a little help when I get delirious from the heat. Sometimes my faithful wife will come down to the beach and keep me company or she will watch the goods while I surf for a little to cool off. I guess some might say I have the life. I'm not going to lie, its pretty sweet. However, I don't get paid very much and I have to deal with some pretty sketchy locals who try to pick up my wife when they aren't talking about the different assorted drugs they took the night before (maybe to impress my wife.)
The owners of the company have just begun putting up locations at various hotels capitalizing on the many beach goers who aren't looking to lose their shirt on beach equipment. It really is a great company and I am working for some good people. It is a business and the owners are trying to make money, but they are very generous. I am aloud to barter with people which is fun and recently I let some kids use a surfboard and a body board for almost no money. It was good day. I feel lucky at this point to have a job. God has been faithful and good to my family.

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