Jul 1, 2010

Matthew 6:27

(a view from the Koenig's dock- not too shabby)

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"- Matt 6:27

I don't think any of us can actually be completely free of worry. Most of the time we are looking to the past for memories or looking ahead to create future ones. It's hard to realize that what we are doing right now in this moment will soon be a vague memory that we will soon long for.
Since we have decided to take this step to pursue YWAM, it has really changed my perspective already. The program is only 6 months long. Relatively speaking, not long at all. However, quitting your stable jobs, moving out of a home you love and venturing forth into the "unknown" can be uncomfortable. What is the unknown though?
As I was praying this morning about the country we will be sent and what we might be doing there I actually realized how God just already knew all of this. He knows everything...all the time.I know it seems simple and I should probably think like this more often, just trusting God with our future, but it's those small moments when you whole heartedly just believe Him. In those moments it seems to clear that you are following someone that has already gone before you ...and all you have to do is just keep going.
As we have been living here up in Kitty Hawk with the Koenig's, literally taking one day at a time, we can both say we have experienced a new sort of freedom. We don't have to know what's ahead now. We are all here today, alive and well, even if something really hard is going on in your life right now as you read this, you are still here. God has brought you to this point. What makes us think He would ever just abruptly leave us?

"Twas grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home"

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